Segmentation Fault

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


It's almost here. I have to keep pinching myself daily. Today it's really starting to sink in. Ironmanlive now has the following posted:

Parker Chris 1482 M 31 M30-34 USA

The taper is finally here. I just wrapped up my biggest month ever. In the last 30 days, I completed:

Bike: 44 hours / 667 miles ( some of that time is trainer time where I don't log miles )
Run: 15 hours / 110 miles
Swim: 9 hours / 25,000 meters

The swim I ended up missing a couple big swims due to pool closures and being sick for a week. I'm pretty confident in my swimming though, and the bike and run are definitely the areas where I have needed the most endurance focus.

Longest ride was last weekend, a solo ride from my house up to and around Lake Geneva and back home. About 125 miles. This was on the heels of a 16.5 mile run the day before. I had my 'down' periods, but kept the wheels turning, and ended up finishing the ride feeling great. My longest run was this past Saturday. I finished 18 miles in just over 2.5 hours, and with my HR in low to mid zone 3.

I've got a couple more brick workouts ( 2-3 hour bikes + no more than 1 hours runs ) coming up this week and weekend. Then things really slow down next week and I taper in earnest.

I'm on a plane on the 13th, destination: Kona.

I feel ready.


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