Segmentation Fault

Monday, September 18, 2006


Sorry for no updates for a while.

I raced the Mideast Regional Championships a week after the Michigan race. Finished in 2:22 and change. About a minute slower than Michigan. It was a non-wesuit swim, and the hills just sucked the energy from my legs. I was about 5 minutes faster on the bike than the week before ( no rain, and a less hilly course helped ) but the run was brutal. Ran about 45/46 minutes. Still lots faster than my run times from last year.

I'd hoped to go under 2:20 this year at an Olympic distance, but it just wasn't to be. Oh well. I'll pull out that old Chicago Cub standard and say "Wait 'til next year". I got within striking distance this year, and was focusing on long course ( HIM and IM ) distances, so never really tapered for any of the shorter races.

All effort is focused on Kona, as I'm on a plane in less than a month! Yikes!

I'm in the midst of my last big peak phase right now. This past weekend I knocked out 2500meters in the pool, 175 miles on the bike, and ~16 miles running. Phew. Some moderate workouts this week, and then a couple more key big workouts this weekend. My birthday is this Sunday, and I've got a 7.5 hour/125 mile ride on tap. I'm looking at that as an invitation to being able to eat whatever the hell I want for dinner that night and fully intend to enjoy a lot of good food.


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